I Am, Therefore I Think Group Show at Goodfoot
Jason Brown, owner of PoBoy Art has curated another incredible collection of works for this year’s annual I Am, Therefore I Think group show. The show pulls together over 300 works by more than 100 Pacific Northwest street artists. The theme this year is “social commentary”. As you’ll see, each artist has approached the theme from different angles by using visual symbolism to express economics, political anxieties, ecological impacts, and/or social equality. The show will be up for two months. I highly recommend stopping into the Goodfoot to see it.
I Am, Therefore I Think
Reception Thursday, Dec. 6 from 5:00-2:30pm.
Exhibition Dec. 6, 2018 through Jan. 29, 2019
Goodfoot Pub & Lounge
2845 SE Stark
Portland, OR
Open daily 5:00pm-2:30am