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First-Time Interviewing Tips For The Art World

First-Time Interviewing Tips for the Art World

Hello Artists and Art Lovers,

Financial adviser, Brittany Fisher created the following short article with simple tips on how to handle job interviews in the art world. If you’d like to hear more, contact Brittany Fisher directly at or


For many people, going for a job interview is one of the most stressful parts of life.  Fear of the unknown, uncertainty about your public perception, and a difficulty communicating well under pressure are all reasons why interviews may not end up going well.  However, the best way to do well in an interview is to prepare well beforehand. Jobs in the art world including galleries and museums, in particular require that you present yourself as competent and knowledgeable.  Here are some ways you can ease your mind and get yourself ready to do the interview of your lifetime, so that you can land your dream job.

Prepare for potential interview questions

As you might imagine, preparation is key.  Having prepared answers will not only help you feel more at ease and less taken aback by what the interviewer might ask you, but will also demonstrate that you can feel comfortable in a difficult, stressful situation, which is an important trait for a potential new hire.  The best way to practice is to come up with a set of 10 to 20 questions that are commonly asked in interviews. Don’t just come up with questions out of thin air. Instead, ask friends who have recently gone through job interviews what they were asked.

You can also search online for some of the most frequently asked questions, and, in the case of some larger companies, you may be able to find examples of actual interviews.  Then take a day or two to prepare your answers and have a friend ask you them in a mock interview setting. While it is good to be prepared, try not to memorize your answers too much.  If you rely on rote memorization, your answers will lack spontaneity and may seem robotic, plus, if you forget one of your prepared lines, you may go completely blank. As such, try to memorize the idea of your answer, rather than a particular phrasing itself.

Practice your style of speech

The other major half of being successful in an interview is your self-presentation.  This involves both the manner in which you answer questions and the way you choose to dress.  Many jobs in the art world require that you interact with people – galleries, in particular, require a sober, yet knowledgeable and approachable type of personality.  Prepare your answers to suit the requirements of the job – have your bases covered, research the position to know what it entails, but be polite and friendly with the interviewer.

Pay attention to your self presentation

How you dress is one of the major factors in determining the interviewer’s first impression of you.  The standard business practice is that you should dress slightly better than the job you are after – in general, a nice suit or dress will work well.  Make sure that your clothes are free of wrinkles and dirty spots. Grooming and personal hygiene also play a large role, so prepare your routine in advance so that you aren’t running late on interview day.  Have your tools and items at your disposal so that whether you need new hair styling tools or new makeup, you’ll be able to look your best without additional stress.  Depending on the particular position you are after, you may want to dress more or less trendily. In general, present yourself in a way that is conservative, but still reflective of your tastes and personality.

Particularly if you are a first-timer getting into the art world, your initial interview may be intimidating.  However, as long as you make sure you are prepared both for the questions and your self-presentation, there is no reason why you would not be able to conquer your anxiety and give the interview of a lifetime.


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If you’d like to hear more, contact Brittany Fisher directly at or

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